
技术中心 开发文档 模版制作 http://www.magentoucd.com 博客:http://blog.csdn.net/shuishui8310/article/category/640421 查看当前模式: magento deploy:mode:show 改变模式: magento deploy:mode:set {mode} [-s|–skip-compilation] {mode} is required; it can be either developer or production –skip-compilation is an optional parameter you can use to skip code compilation when you change to production mode. 设置为开发模式后报错处理:删除”var/.maintenance.flag” During theme development, when you change any files stored here, you need to clear pub/static and var/view_preprocessed directories, and then reload t…

magento 资源链接 2017年3月15日

文件一:/data/wwwroot/auto/catalog/view/theme/pav_bigmart/template/common/product/default.tpl 追加: <span class="wl20161228_reviews" style="display: block;"> <?php if(!empty($product[‘review_count’])) echo @"(".$product[‘review_count’]."reviews)"; ?> </span> 文件二:/data/wwwroot/auto/catalog/model/catalog/product.php 追加: public function get_review_count($product_id) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `review_id`) AS total FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "review` WHERE `product_id`=" . $product_id; $query = $this->db…

opencart 首页 添加 review 2017年1月5日

Create a custom theme in opencart: Opencart use fallback function, it’s mean that when opencart doesn’t found certain template in your theme, it will find on default theme folder. So to make a new theme, you doesn’t need to copy all file from default theme. But, building a theme not just about make new folder theme and change it color. In this tutorial we will learn basic understanding on how controller and model work, it’s related to template modification. Before we continue, I want to make it clear that theme in this tutorial is refer to the theme …

opencart 模板制作步骤 2016年8月30日

步骤一:下载语言包 http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension/info&extension_id=15172 步骤二:文件上传 解压后分别放入对应的 admin 及catalog 下的language  文件夹内 步骤三:语言设置 设置前台多语言:登录网站后台,访问System -> Localisation -> Languages -> Add 新增语言,出现如下界面: 设置后台多语言: System -> Settings -> Edit Store>local  

opencart 语言包安装 2016年8月15日

1,加载多窗口,及设置窗口遮盖关系 <script type="text/javascript"> appcan.ready(function() { var titHeight = $(‘#header’).offset().height; appcan.locStorage.setVal(‘SearchTextHeight’, titHeight); appcan.frame.open("content", "index_content.html", 0, titHeight); window.onorientationchange = window.onresize = function() { appcan.frame.resize("content", 0, titHeight); } appcan.window.openPopover({ name : ‘searchBtn’, dataType : 0, url : ‘index_content_popover.html’, top : 50, left : 10, width : $(document.body).offset().width-20, height : 100, }); …

appcan 代码片段 2016年7月26日

方式一:appcan.openWinWithUrl(‘xiangce’,’xiangce.html’); 方式二:appcan.frame.open(“content”, “cart_content.html”, 0, titHeight);

appcan打开新页面 2016年7月19日